It is thought that skin tags affect nearly 6 in 10 people and although they are medically harmless they can be a cause of irritation and embarrassment, especially if they positioned in a prominent place such as the neck, face and eyelids.
Because skin tags are not considered a medical condition, they are not covered by insurance and therefore they can prove to be expensive if you have them removed by a doctor. This is the reason many people attempt DIY skin tag removal.
There are several methods you could use when removing skin tags yourself. Some methods are more difficult than others and likewise the results can vary depending on what skin tag removal method you use. Above everything else always ensure you have skin tags and not a more serious skin condition before attempting DIY skin tag removal and consult with your doctor if you are not sure.
One method of DIY skin tag removal is to get a thin piece of string or dental floss and to tie it off at the base. Then, you can use nail scissors to snip it right off. This method is not for the faint hearted. Another method is to apply a mixture of castor oil and baking soda to the area. After a few days it may dry and fall off. There is also the suture method. This is similar to the first method where you tie string or dental floss around the base of the skin tag and instead of cutting it off you simply wait for it to fall off due the lack of blood supply.
When performed correctly theses diy methods can work well. However, apart from paying for your doctors services, we recommend you use a no fuss skin tags removal lotion. You simply apply the lotion to the affected area and it will dry the skin tag, removing it permanently. There will also be enough lotion to remove several skin tags so it is a very cost effective alternative treatment for skin tags rather than paying for a doctor to remove it.
What you must remember is that skin tags are harmless so do not need to be removed unless they make you feel self conscious or embarrassed. If they are a cause of embarrassment and you are looking for a DIY skin tag removal solution then we recommend using an over the counter skin tag removal lotion.